Jeremy Raines
- 09.2017Obama on Police
- 03.2017What Everyone Should Know About the Replication Crisis
- 11.2016Specter Cookbook Part I
- 11.2016How To Go From Beginner To Intermediate Web Developer
- 11.2016SVG icons with mask-image
- 10.2016clojure.core.cache
- 10.20167 More Useful SQL and/or Postgres Techniques
- 08.2016Selected quotations from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
- 06.2016Postgres Tricks
- 02.2016A good evaluation of the AlphaGo milestone
- 01.2016A Lightweight Clojure/ClojureScript REPL for Atom
- 12.2015Becoming an In-Demand Developer: The Bad Parts
- 11.2015Getting Started with Clojure Web Development
- 09.2015Resume Inspired by Chris Wanstrath
- 09.2014Deploying a Microservice With Ansible
- 05.2014Heroku Cost Optimization for Rails Apps
- 01.2014A Retrospective on Two Years as a Remote Startup Developer
- 10.2016FILTER clauses in Postgres 9.4+
- 06.2016Clojure snippet for transforming a list of maps to a map keyed by the :id of each
- 06.2016Thread-first macro for native objects -- doto
- 06.2016Threading through functions with inconsistent positional args with as->
- 06.2016core.async & http.kit API call caching function
- 06.2016More useful shell incantations
- 04.2016Getting a CSV of a query too big for Heroku Dataclips
- 10.2015Removing lein packages from local repo
- 10.2015Perlin noise (naive & slow) literate programming example
- 10.2015Connecting Figwheel to Emacs
- 09.2015The German Tank Problem For Competitive Intel
- 12.2014Copying a table from Heroku Postgres to local csv file
- 12.20144Clojure: rotating a sequence
- 08.2014Juxt for custom map accessors
- 08.2014Useful Bash Lines