7 More Useful SQL and/or Postgres Techniques
1) Returning structured data from relations with json_agg
Let’s say we have an outfit and we want to return its id and a json string with data from all of that outfit’s associated items.
The following shows an example where you only want a subset of the items' columns:
select outfits.id,
(select json_agg((select item_stub
from (select items.name,
items.price) item_stub))
from outfit_items
join items on items.id = outfit_items.item_id
where outfit_items.outfit_id = outfits.id
) as items
from outfits;
2) Querying an array field’s length.
Assuming tags
is a flat, one dimensional array, how many outfits have any tags?
select count(outfits)
where array_length(tags, 1) is null
3) Counting conditionally with case
select sum(case when mobile = true then 1 else 0 end) as mobile_count
from impressions;
4) Set-like array append (no duplicates)
Create an array_append_distinct
function with
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_append_distinct(anyarray, anyarray)
RETURNS anyarray AS $$
SELECT ARRAY(SELECT unnest($1) union SELECT unnest($2))
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
Then use it like this:
update items set tags = array_append_distinct(tags, CAST(ARRAY['foo','bar'] as text[]))
5) Removing duplicate associations from a join table
delete from outfit_items where id in (
select o1.id
from outfit_items o1
join outfit_items o2
on o1.outfit_id = o2.outfit_id
and o2.item_id = o1.item_id
where o1.id != o2.id);
6) Get column names for a table
select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where table_name='items'
7) Get list of all databases and their users
In psql: \l