| (this space intentionally left almost blank) | |||||||||
(ns ^:figwheel-always noise.core (:require)) | ||||||||||
(enable-console-print!) | ||||||||||
Perlin Noise (naive & slow implementation)See Perlin noise is "pseudo-random" noise, which gives it a more organic look than truly random noise, because the noise function will be similar for two nearby points. This is accomplished by placing a grid on a coordinate plane and associating random vectors with each intersection point on the grid. For each point in the plane, its value is a function of the dot product between a set of vectors from the points to each corner of its bounding box, and the pseudorandom gradients associated with those corners. | ||||||||||
generate 8 random gradients | (def gradients (vec (take 8 (repeatedly (fn [] (let [x (rand) y (rand) mult (if (> (rand) (rand)) 1.0 -1.0) mult2 (if (> (rand) (rand)) 1.0 -1.0)] [(* x mult) (* y mult2)])))))) | |||||||||
find the gradient associated with a corner of a grid cell. This stands in for the hash function in the real implementation, and the purpose is to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size (our 8 random gradients). I think this, along with the dot function, account for the slowness. The theoretical explanations all involve the dot product but I don't understand how it's implemented in most real implentations, including Ken Perlin's Java reference implementation. | (defn get-gradient [[a b]] (let [ndx (int (mod (+ a b) 7))] (get gradients ndx))) | |||||||||
for a given point, find the corners of the bounding box (grid cell) it is contained within | (defn get-corners [x y] (let [nw [(- x (mod x 100)) (- y (mod y 100))] [x y] nw ne [(+ 100 x) y] sw [x (+ 100 y)] se [(+ 100 x) (+ 100 y)]] [nw ne sw se])) | |||||||||
vector dot product | (defn dot [X Y] (reduce + (map * X Y))) | |||||||||
linear interpolation function | (defn lerp [t a b] (+ a (* t (- b a)))) | |||||||||
(defn ease [t] (- (* 3 (.pow js/Math t 2)) (* 2 (.pow js/Math t 3)))) | ||||||||||
find the gradients of each corner of the bounding box | (defn corner-gradients [x y] (map get-gradient (get-corners x y))) | |||||||||
find the vectors from the point to the bounding box corners | (defn corner-to-point-vectors [x y] (map (fn [[cx cy]] [(- x cx) (- y cy)]) (get-corners x y))) | |||||||||
compute the 'influences' of the corner gradients, by taking the dot product of the corner gradient and the vector from the point to that corner | (defn influences [x y] (let [gs (corner-gradients x y) vs (corner-to-point-vectors x y)] (map dot gs vs))) | |||||||||
compute the noise function value for a given pixel | (defn noise [x y] (let [ ;;situate the point within a unit square rel-x (/ x 100) rel-y (/ y 100) ;;find the coordinates within the unit square frac-x (mod rel-x 1) frac-y (mod rel-y 1) ;;exaggerate proximity to corner Sx (ease frac-x) Sy (ease frac-y) ;;compute influences of corner gradients [nw ne sw se] ((fn [] (influences x y))) ;;linearly interpolate between the exaggerated point the "influenced" point a (lerp Sx nw ne) b (lerp Sx sw se) z (lerp Sy a b)] ;;I forgot why this was needed :( (.abs js/Math (/ z 10)))) | |||||||||
drawing related stuff | ||||||||||
multiplication by 40 is just so the gradients are visible on the drawn grid | (defn xPlusGrad [x y] (+ x (* 40 (first (get-gradient [x y]))))) | |||||||||
(defn yPlusGrad [x y] (+ y (* 40 (second (get-gradient [x y]))))) | ||||||||||
helper function to draw a stroke on the canvas | (defn stroke [ctx {:keys [startx starty endx endy]}] (.beginPath ctx) (.moveTo ctx startx starty) (.lineTo ctx endx endy) (.stroke ctx)) | |||||||||
draw the grid which shows the corner vectors and vectors to corners for an example point | (defn drawGrid [] (let [canvas (.getElementById js/document "surface") ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")] (set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) "blue") ;; crisper lines on the canvas (.translate ctx 0.5 0.5) (doseq [n (range 100 500 100)] (stroke ctx { :startx 100 :starty n :endx 400 :endy n }) (stroke ctx { :startx n :starty 100 :endx n :endy 400 })))) | |||||||||
draw the corner gradients on the example grid | (defn drawGradients [] (let [canvas (.getElementById js/document "surface") ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")] (set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) "red") (doseq [x (range 100 500 100)] (doseq [y (range 100 500 100)] (stroke ctx {:startx x :starty y :endx (xPlusGrad x y) :endy (yPlusGrad x y) }))))) | |||||||||
draw the example point on the grid | (defn drawPoint [] (let [canvas (.getElementById js/document "surface") ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")] (set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) "green") (.fillRect ctx 221 139 3 3))) | |||||||||
draw the vectors from the point to the corners of its bounding box | (defn drawPointVectors [] (let [canvas (.getElementById js/document "surface") ctx (.getContext canvas "2d") x 221 y 139] (set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) "pink") (doseq [[cx cy] (get-corners x y)] (stroke ctx {:startx cx :starty cy :endx x :endy y })))) | |||||||||
draw a canvas with the noise function computed for each pixel | (defn drawNoiseCanvas [] (let [canvas (.getElementById js/document "noise") ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")] (doseq [x (range 100 400) y (range 100 400) :let [n (int (* 256 (noise x y))) color (str "rgb(" n "," n "," n ")")]] (set! (.-fillStyle ctx) color) (.fillRect ctx x y 1 1)))) | |||||||||
(drawGrid) (drawGradients) (drawPointVectors) (drawPoint) (drawNoiseCanvas) | ||||||||||